Sheriff Arpaio silenced by ’singing’ protesters

The highly anticipated First Amendment forum at ASU journalism school, featuring the controversial Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, ended abruptly when protesters broke out in song.[Cut text]The intent of tonight’s forum was to give students the opportunity to see the First Amendment in action. Unfortunately and perhaps unwittingly what the protesters accomplished was to mock …

Undercover sting used to cite, deport Carlsbad day laborers

In a new twist, Carlsbad police have adopted an old tactic to bust day laborers: undercover sting operations similar to those used against street prostitutes. The undercover stings and the anti-solicitation law that police have been using to cite the workers have opened a legal can of worms. Police say they are simply trying to …

Democrats Delusional On Obamacare—Whistling Past Halloween Graveyard On Amnesty

OpinionEarlier this week, I spoke with a highly placed Capitol Hill lawyer who filled me in on what’s going on behind the scenes with the Democrats, Obamacare and “comprehensive immigration reform.” He told me that the Democrats are holed up busily trying to draft a version—any version—of health care legislation that they think might pass …

Liberals seek health-care access for illegals

The National Council of La Raza launched its own “flood their voice mail” campaign last week to put pressure on Mr. Baucus to expand coverage in his proposal to include all legal aliens and to drop verification language in the legislation that would prevent illegal alilens from obtaining coverage. Rep. Steve King, Iowa Republican, said …

ACLU publishes guide for illegals caught in police raids

Don’t run, don’t lie, keep silent and ask for an attorney.That’s the basic advice in a new guidebook published by the American Civil Liberties Union for undocumented workers who get caught up in immigration enforcement raids by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency or local police. The ACLU published the guide in both English …

500 groups urge Obama to halt immigration police program

A coalition of advocacy groups sent a letter to President Obama last week demanding that the administration end a program that allows local police to enforce federal immigration law. The program, known as 287(g), deputizes police to turn over suspects or criminals to immigration authorities for possible deportation. Immigrant rights groups said the program has …

Guatemala to Lobby US Congress on Immigration

A Tragic LossBorder Patrol Agent Robert Rosas, a 30-year-old, married father of two young children, was murdered shortly after 9 p.m. Thursday while responding alone to a suspected border incursion near Campo, a town in rugged, arid terrain in southeastern San Diego County. La Prensa Libre (Guatemala City, Guatemala)  7/28/09Guatemalans to lobby U.S. Congress for …