Amnesty makes no sense

Unemployment hit 15.5% last month for American workers without high school diplomas. It makes no sense to give amnesty or a “path to citizenship” to millions of illegal immigrants who would compete with unemployed Americans for scarce jobs and drive down their wages.Amnesty would hurt American taxpayers. After illegal immigrants are legalized, they’d become eligible …

More Companies use Immigration Database

What do Continental Airlines, the Houston Ballet, the city of Dallas and Sen. John Cornyn all have in common?They all use the federal government’s E-Verify program to check if their employees are authorized to work in the U.S. legally.A Department of Homeland Security database of the more than 118,000 public, private and government employers enrolled …

Arpaio takes steps to curb Mexican flu

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has ordered extra precautions for dealing with illegal aliens in the wake of the swine flu scare, centered in Mexico City. Arpaio’s office said Tuesday that Arpaio has ordered protective gear for his deputies and urged them to wear masks and gloves during the arrests of suspected illegal aliens. Many …

Arpaio responds to tantrum; MCSO investigates death threat

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said he won’t back down from his immigration enforcement policies in light of Saturday’s march against his enforcement of illegal immigration laws. “You think I’m going to stop because they don’t like what I’m doing?” Arpaio said. “Change the laws. They’re not going to scare the sheriff – I’m elected …

Illegal Day-labor center to mark 6th year

The Macehualli Day Labor Center will mark its sixth anniversary on Saturday with a party from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and organizer Salvador Reza hopes to kick off a capital improvement drive for the property. The center has been controversial since before its creation, and to this day, Reza said, anti-illegal immigration activists patrol …

Database targets jailed immigrants Napolitano urges deportation; E-Verify program hits a snag

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano pledged Thursday to create a database network aimed at deporting criminals aliens after their jail time rather then releasing them onto U.S. streets, though the administration also put off implementing a Bush-era effort to crack down on illegal-immigrant workers. An estimated 450,000 U.S. jail inmates were in the country illegally …

Is B. Hussein Obama an illegal alien?

If Obama turns out to be nothing more than an usurper who has fraudulently seized control of the Presidency, not only will the Constitution have been egregiously flouted, but also this whole country could be, likely will be, destroyed as a consequence. And if this country is even credibly threatened with destruction, every American will …