Riders U.S.A.

http://www.ridersusa.net/, Riders USA Clothing.

Riders United for a Sovereign America (Riders U.S.A.) are a group of American citizens concerned about the environmental impact of Illegal Immigration and believe the “root cause” of the problem is the hiring of illegal aliens.

Formed in May of 2007, we have been active in several events relating to the fight of Illegal Immigration.

While the majority of us ride motorcycles, several members choose to attend events via cars and trucks.

• Riders USA’s primary Mission is to affect national and local policy concerning border security and illegal immigration. It includes, but is not limited to, addressing employers who hire illegal aliens. We believe this is the “root cause” of the immigration issue.
• Riders USA members believe in an immigration policy that is orderly and legal.
• Riders believe members will defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.
• Riders USA members are Pro-Law Enforcement and Pro-Enforcement of Laws.



Riders with a purpose, sometimes just for fun

Riders USA and AFR to host events

By Linda Bentley


CAVE CREEK – The American Freedom Riders (AFR) originated a year ago as the brainchild of Danny Smith and Rusty Childress.
Smith said they were simply hard-working, tax-paying American citizens who believe in the rule of law and the principles that made this nation great.
They decided to combine their love of country with their love of riding motorcycles.
The AFR came to Cave Creek and brought more than just local attention to the illegal alien day labor problem plaguing the town and to the Good Shepherd of the Hills Episcopal Church that willfully defies our immigration laws, which Fr. Glenn Jenks says are “unjust.” Their first ride kicked off from Childress Auto Mall with about 300 bikers for a fun ride to Jake’s Corner, preceded by KFYI’s Terry Gilberg emceeing with then Congressman J.D. Hayworth, Rep. Russell, R-Mesa, Col. Al Rodriguez and then gubernatorial candidate Don Goldwater as speakers.
There was no lack of participants. There was also no lack of issues.
Following West Texas U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton’s prosecution and conviction of former border patrol agents Ignacio “Nacho” Ramos and Jose Compean for shooting and wounding a drug smuggler who attempted to smuggle nearly 800 pounds of marijuana into the country, Smith wanted to do anything he could to right that wrong.
Smith and Ramos became fast friends over the short period of time between his sentencing and surrender to federal prison to serve a 10-year sentence.
AFR was on a quest to free Ramos and Compean as well as bring attention to Sutton’s overzealous prosecutions of former border agents Gary Sipe, whose conviction was recently overturned, and Gary Brugman, who served time in the Yazoo City, Mo. prison complex, plus Edwards County Deputy Sheriff Gilmer Hernandez, who was recently sentenced to prison, all for doing their jobs.
Smith led the AFR to rally in San Antonio, Texas and protest in front of Sutton’s office.
Meanwhile other AFR members, after participating in border and other clean-up operations and seeing the indescribable amount of garbage dumped in the desert by illegals, became increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of illegal migration, believing the root cause of the problem points directly at the employers who hire them.
In May 2007, Riders United for a Sovereign America (Riders USA) was formed.
This Saturday, Aug. 18, Riders USA will be heading out to support the city of Surprise and its city council, which recently directed its staff to draft an ordinance to help rid its street corners of illegal alien day laborers.
Visit www.ridersusa.net for more information about joining and upcoming events.
A few Riders USA members have sporadically joined Gary Kiernan and Scott Haberman’s ongoing Saturday morning protests at the Good Shepherd’s day labor center for illegal alien.
However, they will be returning en mass at 6 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 25, followed by breakfast at Harold’s Cave Creek Corral where they will hold their monthly meeting.
They’ve also got a three-day Hannigan Meadow weekend ride planned for Sept. 21 through Sept. 23 into the higher altitude and cooler climates of eastern Arizona.
Then, on Sept. 8, the American Freedom Riders will be holding a benefit for the Ramos family at the Roadrunner Saloon on New River Road in New River.
The benefit begins at 6 p.m. with Roger Hedgecock, a San Diego talk show host, emceeing the event and, according to his Web site (www.rogerhedge cock.com), he may even hire a bus if his listeners express enough interest in making the trip to Phoenix to attend the fundraiser.
Along with a band, food, raffle and fun, Monica Ramos and her father Joe Loya will be there to extend their gratitude.
All patriots are invited to attend the fundraiser. Admission is $20 per person with proceeds going toward helping Monica Ramos keep her family’s home and make the trip from El Paso to visit her husband in Phoenix, where he was recently relocated.
Visit www.americanfreedom riders.com for more information.
For more information, videos and transcripts from the Ramos and Compean case, visit www.agentramos.com.
Riders USA and the AFR both agree you don’t need a motorcycle to participate and make your voice heard, it just makes your voice a little louder and the trip a whole lot more fun.

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