21st Century ride

Agent Ramos

American Border Patrol

American Immigration Control Foundation

American Legion

American Patrol

Americans for Better Immigration

Americans for Immigration Control

Americans for Legal Immigration

Americans For Sovereignty

Americans Killed by Illegals

Americans Last Stand

Arizona Border Control

Arizona Border Watch

Attrition Through Enforcement

Az Immigration Compliance

AZ Republic’s Border News

Beltway Bull

Billboard Colorado

Boot Antonio

Border Consensus

Border Counties Coalition

Border Fence Project

Border Patrol Auxiliary

Border Patrol local 2544

Border Project

Border Security Today

Border Solution Task Force

Bumper stickers


California Border Watch

Cancel State Farm Ins.


Carrying Capacity




Citizens for a Secure Border

Coalition Against Illegal Immigration

Coalition for the Future American Worker

Common Sense

Concerned Citizens and Friends of Illegal Immigration Law Enforcement

Congress And Illegal Immigration

Cries From The Border

CT Citizens for Immigration Control

Dan Stein

Defend Colorado Now

Deport Aliens

Desert invasion

Desert Visions

Diggers Realm

Diversity Alliance

Eagle Forum

East Bay Border Security

English First


FAIR Approved

Fighting Immigration Anarchy

FIRE Coalition

Fire Mary Peters

For The Cause

Free Gilmer

Free Postest Signs

Freedom Folks

Freedom Phoenix


Friends of Immigration Law Enforcement

Frosty Wooldridge

Get Us Out


Heritage Foundation

Hiding in Plain Sight

Hispanic Tips

Hoosiers For Secure Borders

Human Events Online

I Don’t Speak Spanish

Illegal Alien Tracking Map

Illegal Aliens U.S.

Illegal Employers

Illegal Immigrant Protest

Illegal Immigration Boycott

Illegal Immigration Journal

Illegal Invasion Newsletter

Immigration Counters

Immigration News Daily

Immigration Reform Law Institute

Immigration Report Cards

Immigration Watchdog

Immigrations Human Cost

Integrate This

Jamiel’s Law

John Birch Society

John Petrello CHD

Judicial Watch

Kris Eggle

LA Watchdog

Las Vegas Minutemen

Latinos for Reform

Local 2544 BP Tucson Sector

Lou Barletta

Lou Dobbs

Lou Dobbs

Lou Dobbs 4 President

March for America

Mayor No

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin : War on Illegal Immigration


Middle American News

Minuteman Civil Defense Corp

Minuteman Of One

Minuteman Project

Minuteman t-shirts

Minutemen Blog

Minutemen Midwest

Mississippi Federation for Immigration Reform & Enforcement


Mohave County Minutemen


National Border Control Council

National Ledger

Negative Population Growth


No Amnesty

No Aztlan

No Free Mustang

No invaders

No More Invasion

North American Union Treason

Numbers USA

One Old Vet

Operation America

Operation Body Count

Outraged Patriots

Pardon my English

Pardon Pledge

Pardon The Agents

Patriot Watchdog


Population and Sustainability

Population Clock

Population Connection

Population Stabilization

Population-Environment Balance

Predatory Aliens

Pro American Companies



Progressives for Immigration Reform

Project USA

Protect AZ Border

Protect Our Border

Protect Our City Initiative

Protect Washington Now

RAIA Southwest

Ranch Rescue

Recommended reading

Register as a Minuteman

Renew America

Report Illegals

Rescue without borders

Riders Against Illegal Aliens

Riders USA

Right Wing Wiz Kid

Sallys Blog

San Diego Border Alert

San Diego Minutemen

Sanctuary Cities

Sanctuary Order 1.4.3.

Sandra Miller Series

Save Our State

SAVE Program

Say No To Illegals

Secure our borders today

Secured Borders USA

Seeing Red in Arizona

Send A Brick

Small Town Defenders

Smart Business Practices

Sonoran News

SOS Borders

Southwest Conference transcripts

Sovereignty Colorado

Sprawl City

Standing on Secure Borders

Stop illegals

Stop The ACLU

Stop the FTAA

Stop the N. American Union

Stop the SPP

SW Florida Minutemen

Tancredo for President

Terry Anderson Sunday’s at 9pm am1100

Texas Border Volunteers

The 14th Amendment

The American Resistance


The Dustin Inman Society

The Institute For Immigration Policy Review

The Lone Wacko

The Nation of Aztlan

The New American

The Pledge of Allegiance

The United Patriots of America

The Wake Up America

TIME–Who left the door open?

Translate Spanish

Trash on the border

Truth in Action

U.S. Border Control

U.S. Border Watch

U.S. Constitution

U.S. Immigration Reform

United Patriots of America

United States Citizens for Immigration Enforcement

United to Fight

US Border Alert

US BP local 2544

US Illegal Aliens

US Securing America

Use English


Veterans For Secure Borders

Victims of Illegal Alien Crime

Victims of Illegal Aliens

Victims of Illegal Aliens

Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

Wake Up America Foundation

Wake up Arizona

Warriors For Truth

Watchdog America

We Are All Minutemen Now

We Hate Gringos

We Hire Aliens

We Need A Fence

Yes on Prop 200

You don’t speak for me


• USA Town Hall Meetings

WHAT: USA Town Hall Meeting to unite to fight illegal immigration weekly, here’s why!

WHEN: Every Thursday, 5:30pm $1 Tacos, 6:30pm meeting.

WHERE: American Legion Post 105, 3534 W. Calavar Rd, Phoenix, Map.


USA Mission: promoting a facilitating border security and comprehensive interior enforcement of immigration laws

USA is committed to the following Strategic Objectives:

1. Being a nonpartisan coalition of multiple groups mobilizing citizens for strict enforcement of immigration laws;
– use of “employer sanctions” stickers
– “S.A.V.E.” flyer distribution to business
– promote FAIR Approved Business Certification Program
– utilize F.I.R.E Coalition www.wehirealiens.com, participate in Operation Body Count and mobile vendor ordinance enforcement
– boycott bad businesses (i.e. Arizona Republic, Miller Brewing)
– Steering Team: NAILEM, Grassfire, Americans First, MAIA, MCDC, Protect Our City, Order of the Silver Rose, Paul Revere Riders, AZ Border Watch, John Birch Society, Fire Coalition, SOS Borders, Mohave Minutemen, Desert Visions, CHD, FAIR, American Freedom Riders, Riders Against Illegal Aliens, You Don’t Speak For Me, F.A.I.R., SOS Borders,

2. Promoting Arizona State legislative advocacy;
– educate citizens about the legislative process and encourage participation
– sign into ALIS system to track bills
– advocacy through email and participation in committee hearings

3. Participating in immigration related events and the political process;
– consulate demonstrations, 2006 Unite To Fight Summit, McCain protests, 2006 Freedom Summit, National Symposium on Immigration, Operation “Adios Illegals,” Operation “Body Count,” Free Ramos & Compean
– counter protest all non-citizen marches
– ‘Hands across the Border” – Palominas border demonstration
– support for American Freedom Riders events
– support Minutemen both MCDC and MM Project, lay-up cleanup, caravan tour, day labor demonstrations, musters and special projects
– participate in FAIR Sierra Vista Border Summit
– field trips; one to the senate, other to republican meeting
– maintain “Arizona Round Table.” yahoo group

4. Organizing public outreach and education;
– victims of illegal aliens(crosses), creation and display
– use “employing illegal aliens is a violation of federal law” stickers
– distribute Dr. Cosman DVD’s to public officials
– feature immigration films each week: Border Wars, Freedom To Fascism, Trespassing Allowed, Unite To Fight Summit II, Crossing Arizona, Southwest Conference on Illegal Immigration Border Security and Crime, Attack on America, Operation Body Count, Conquest of Aztlan, BP Live on the Line, Eagle Forum’s The High Cost of Illegal Aliens, The Illegal Immigration Crisis, Immigration By The Numbers, Cochise County Cries From The Border, Immigration Threatening the Bonds of Our Union, Michelle Malkim Vs. Ricardo Pimental Debate, 2004 Protect Arizona Now Rally, 30 Days with an Illegal Alien Family, P.O.V. To the Other Side, Terror From Below Death along the Mexican Border, The American Patrol Story, Protecting our Border how to get our Country Back, US Border Patrol how it works why it doesn’t, Immigration’s Impact on the Environment
– publish/distribute “Illegal Invasion News” weekly newsletter
– maintain immigrationbuzz.com website
– speakers include: Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Congressmen Trent Franks, Congressmen JD Hayworth, Border Patrol Agent Neville Crammer, Rep. Russell Pearce, Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas, Colette Rosati, Glenn Spencer/American Patrol, Bill Montgomery/AG candidate, Donna Neill/NAILEM, Don Goldwater, Chris Simcox/MCDC, Col. Rodriquez/You Don’t Speak For Me, Bob Park/Veterans for Secure Borders (retired Border Patrol), Mike Hethmon/F.A.I.R., Bob Hartle/I.D. Theft Services,

5. Initiating grassroots political campaigns and fund raising;
– support Protect Our City prop 405, signature gathering, promotion
– support anti-solicitation ordinance implementation
– support pro-American candidates
– submit editorials for publication
– watchdog congress through numbersusa.com and state legislature using ALIS
– support Grassfire.org billboard campaigns and petitions
– participate in F.I.R.E. Coalition advocacy programs


Internal Action Teams:

internal communications: calendar; phone tree; email; newsgroups; forums; website, technical support; database; text messaging; networking; mailing lists

events; demonstrations; protests; marches; rallies; schedule meetings; recalls; petitions; political forums; scheduling; logistics; security; equipment; transpiration; movie showings, schedule speakers; agenda input, crosses project

publications; newsletters; specialty advertising; flyers; creative; graphics

government affairs; legislation; advocacy; public policy; politics; voting records; bill tracking; candidates; phone banks; walk precincts; recalls; city council; county supervisors; testify at legislative subcommittee hearings; email campaigns; congressional office visits; circulate petitions

audio visual; video and still photography

public information & outreach; ID education opportunities; flyers; leaflets; handouts; seminars; media communications: op-eds; radio; releases; advertising; press; billboards; coordinate PR; press releases; liaisons; schedule newsmakers; public access; TV and radio spots

legal immigrants, you don’t speak for me

14th amendment; anchor babies; child protection; education; students outreach

strategic partnerships; coordinate steering team liaisons: motorcycle clubs; veteran; youth; seniors; neighborhood; blockwatch; FOP; membership and recruiting

workplace enforcement; ICE reporting; research; documentation; legal affairs; wehireillegals.com

fund raising; sponsorship development; ID supporters

opposition watch; combat anti-American politicians, organizations, media, articles; sedition; traitors; marches; propaganda watch

research; archives; records; intelligence gathering; documentation

speakers bureau; placement and scheduling, presentations to outside groups

### M E E T I N G M I N U T E S


1. Movie Double Feature: Glenn Sp encer�s “Immigration Threatening the bonds of Our Union Part 1, Courage and Capitulation in California.
2. Protect our City will be Proposition 405 on the November ballot.
3. MCDC had 75 people on the border last weekend, along with the Army National Guard. View slideshow.
4. New book now available: “Fighting Immigration Anarchy.”
5. U.S.A.’s American Freedom Riders in the Sonoran News. Help support this ride by buying a pair of alien spotting googles. Fun for the whole family.
6. Legislative plan of action. Check for legislative ALERTS and calendars to testifiy at committee hearings. Create a log in for �ALIS� to monitor bill progress, begin by clicking on �registration.� Request to speak here. For complete details click here.
7. U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Hearing today in Sierra Vista. Stories: 12345
8. Welcome Dr. Robert (Bob) Gear Jr., candidate for Election as representative Legislative District 15, 602-540-0238.
9. Speaker Rep. Russell Pearce (see video).

1. Movie Double Feature: FX Network Series �30 Days.� Also, NumbersUSA Roy Beck staring in �Too Close For Comfort
2. August issue of JANE Magazine article: “Throw em out– Alena has made it her life’s mission to stop illegals. Julie Bloom wants to know if that’s as creepy as it sounds.” Please give associate editor Julie Bloom feedback on this biased story 212-630-3900.
3. Guest speaker: Col. Albert F. Rodriguez, USA Ret., Army, Col. (video). Founder You Don’t Speak For Me.
4. Guest speaker: Retire Border Patrol Agent and Aviation Machinist Mate 2nd class, USCG, 1946-1949, founder, Veterans for Secure Borders. Refer to Jerome Corsi articles and Eagle Forum to understand the threat of the globalists. Please advocate for 287 gState and local law enforcement have an important role to play in federal immigration investigations. Section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) provides the legal authority for state and local enforcement to investigate, detain, and arrest aliens on civil and crimi�nal grounds.

5. Friends of Border Patrol current campaign to assist Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean.

Meeting venue was changed to the State Senate building for US House “Securing the Vote: Arizona” full committee hearing to discuss the effectiveness of state policies such as Arizona’s Proposition 200, which requires voters to provide evidence of citizenship, in combatting election fraud. Arizona RepublickvoaazstarnetEast Valley TribuneViewpoint, and more.

Although the hearing was held as part of the series on the House and Senate immigration bills, its true purpose was to investigate the impact of two proposed bills in Congress:
HR 4844, by Henry Hyde (R,IL)
HR 5913, by Tom Tancredo (R,CO)

The House Committee website has the proceedings and witness testimony posted on their website http://cha.house.gov/ so I’m limiting to my biased commentary and observations

Sitting on the House panel were:

Congressman Jim Ehlers (Chair)
Congressman JD Hayworth
Congressman Trent Franks
Congressman Raul Grijalva
Congressman Ed Pastor

Secretary of State Jan Brewer:
Andrew Thomas, Maricopa County Attorney
Penny Pew, Director of Elections, Apache County
Karen Osborne, Director of Elections, Maricopa County
Danny Ortega, a pro-Mexican sellout and a shyster who often pleads MALDEF cases
Mary Wilson, President League of Women Voters
Raphael Bear, President of Ft. McDowell Tribe and President, Intertribal Council of AZ. By his testimony and my post-hearing conversation with this man, he’s not only another traitor sellout to the left, but a true liar as well.


1. Movie feature: The Line In the Sand. More info HEREThe Line in the Sand is a documentary film that deals with issues such as illegal immigration, security on the United States� southern border with Mexico and the Minuteman Project. It was released in August 2005. The film features activists Glenn SpencerChris SimcoxCindy & Ed KolbJohn PetrelloKevin B. MacDonaldJim GilchristTom Tancredo, Wes Bramhall and many others.
2. SAVE flyers used as bill stuffers and as a wehirealiens.com mailing. Stickers used on dollar bills. Is there an IRS/interior enforcement remedy to illegal immigration 1234PDF
3. Fry�s Mercado prototype is Ranch Markets (1 ,2 ,3) on steroids and a Disneyland for Mexican Nationals. Site visit and boycott campaign planned. Hispanic Marketing.
4. Phoenix business non-conforming sign ordinances are not being enforced. Many are 100% in Spanish. Review FAQ area. Call Development Service Department to register complaints 602.534.2561. More info HERE.
5. House Armed Service Committee immigration hearings. How effective are state policies like Arizona�s Proposition 200, which requires voters to provide evidence of citizenship, at combating election fraud?
6. Upcoming MCDC Muster August 11th. Hank Fields, Phoenix Chapter Leader Cell 623-980-8646. [email protected]
7. Texas Trooper Shot on Patrol by illegal aliens. See the video HERE.
8. City of Phoenix Day Labor Meeting review. Contact Commander [email protected] for more information.
9. Please visit and register on our Yahoo newsgroup, “Arizona Round Table.”
10. Richard Ruelas hit piece on Protect Our City’s Randy Pullen. Reach Ruelas at (602) 444-8473 or [email protected]Rusty Childress wrote an op-ed response.
11. FX Network Series “30 Days” (123456). Watch the video on it. Send feedback to: Producer – 30 Days Immigration Segment, Actual Reality Pictures 6725 W. Sunset Blvd. Suite 350, Los Angeles, CA. 90028, 310-202-1272 ext.140
12. Phoenix New Times hit pieces on Sheriff Arpaio and Andrew Thomas. Send letters to the editor to [email protected]. Email form HERE. P.O. Box 2510, Phoenix, Az 85002, 602.271.0040.
13. Santa Biblia is available free in the Palomino neighborhood but cost $10 on Amazon.
14. City of Phoenix Latino Institute Conference Oct. 3rd.
15. Pense/Hutchinson immigration plan a complete farce, join numbersusa.com to fight this new amnesty. Call 202-224-5922 for Sen. Hutchinson, 202-225-3021 for Rep Pence. Toll free numbers to the Congressional operators in Washington D.C. All you have to do is ask for the office of your congressman or senator. 1-866-220-0044, 1-866-340-9281, 1-866-413-6874, 1-888-355-3588. Take action HERE and HERE.
16. This week’s USA newsletter features 1) Alien supporters, 2) City code no good 3) editorial. Distribution plan? Reporters?
17. Guest Speaker JT Ready (12345) 1) Mayor of Hazleton, Pennsylvania, 2) Support of Democrats that are pro-American, 3) ACLU queen Krysten Sinema must go.
18. Thank you Wes for free distribution of “Common Sense on Mass Immigration.”
19. The NAFTA Super Highway.
20. How to report illegals? Go HERE and HERE and HEREICE tip line: 1-866-347-2423. Here is the Phoenix Special Agent in Charge (SAC) office of investigations info: 400 North 5th Street, 11th Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85004, Main (602) 364-7830, Fax (602) 514-7790


1. Movie feature: �The Illegal Immigration Crisis.� Town Hall meeting emceed by Roger Hedgecock. Speakers include: Madeleine Cosman, Pete Nunez, Jim Gilchrist, Tom Tancredo, Ray Haynes and Robert Vasquez. Learn more HERE, and HERE.
2. Meeting attendance is an exercise in network multilevel marketing, i.e. we must harness the power of email databases.
3. �Employing illegal aliens is a violation of federal law� stickers now available along with SAVE flyers to be used in conjunction with wehirealiens.com employer listing for Arizona.
4. Tucson grassfire.org billboard and press conference. Listen to an audio report HERE.
5. October 21st Illegal Immigration Arizona Summit and border tour in Sierra Vista.
6. PLEA lobbying campaign effort.
7. Maricopa County Diversity Office, ASU History Department, City of Phoenix Human Relations Commission, Maricopa Community Colleges and Phoenix College presentation: �Immigration and Race� review.
9. American Freedom Riders August 26th 2006 ride need volunteers, contact Danny, [email protected], 520.455.9323
10. FAIR posters available: �Save the American worker,� and �No guest worker amnesty.�
11. Labor Day counter protest, contact coordinator Timothy 623.937.8077 for more information.
11. Illegal Invasion News vol 1., num. 2, contact Rick [email protected], 602.992.4578 to assist
12. Speaker: Don Goldwater for Governor, go to goldwaterforgovernor.com to print out a clean elections form today along with a $5 donation.
13. Speaker: Donna Neill, NAILEM a) www.theftaz.azag.gov, 602-542-8079 b) hold your legislators accountable using the immigration report card
14. Speaker: Sandy Miller. a) Viva Kyle b) Update on 36th St. & Thomas day labor atrocity and upcoming July 26th meeting, next steps. To be added to her email newsletter contact: [email protected]


1. Movie Feature: Farmingville, Welcome to the suburbs, home of the new border wars.
2. Speaker: David Heppler of Arizona Border Watch
3. Volume One/Num 1. edition of the “Independent Neighbornood Services Illegal Invasion Newsletter.” Anti-solicitation ordinance, wehirealiens.com, and editorial section featured this month.
4. Group Discussion

Double Feature Movie Showing: Glenn Spencer�s �US Border Patrol, How it Works, Why it Doesn�t.� Plus: Madeleine Cosman�s �Illegal Aliens & America�s Medicine.�

1. Speaker: Rick Oltman, Western Region Manager, FAIR
2. Speaker: Sheriff Joe Arpaio, MCSO Catch and detention of illegal aliens in Maricopa County
3. SAVE program (Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements) 1-888-464-4218
4. The Social Contract Press available resources
5. Minuteman t-shirts and fund raising project, contact [email protected]
6. American Freedom Riders update
7. Action Team updates
8. Issues Parking Lot: Bank of America boycott due to acceptance of Matricula Consular Card. FAIR approved businesses that use the Basic Pilot Program.

Featured movie – “Phoenix Debate on Illegal Immigration O. RICARDO PIMENTEL VS. MICHELLE MALKIN moderated by Congressman John Shadegg. �Immigration and National Security iin the Post 9/11 Era: Are open borders an Invitation to Terrosism?�

1. 9/11 Families for a Secure America “Secure our Borders Battle Plan.”
2. SOS Borders open letter to Congress
3. FAIR’s “10 Worst Things About s.2611″ & talking points
4. Border photos and barrier construction update
5. Sheriff Arpaio alien detentions
6. Tom Tancredo�s new book “In Mortal Danger”
7. La Voz USA article, Prensa Hispana
8. Poster: �Cops are victims too� featuring Detective Arango, Officer Atkinson, BP Agent Epling, Officer Dunman, Officer Bryant, Trooper Clodfelter, Officer Gordon, Officer Seuis, Deputy March, Officer Herring, Officer Pavelka, Officer Sitek, Officer Jackson, Officer Collings, Officer Zeppetella, Officer Schechterle, courtesy of Veterans for Secure Borders
9. Population Connection poster �300,000,000 in the USA�
10. Strategic Partnership Steering Team reports: NAILEMGrassfire, Americans First, MAIAMCDCProtect Our CityOrder of the Silver RoseAZ Border WatchJohn Birch SocietyFire CoalitionSOS BordersDesert VisionsCHDMike Harris for GovernorFAIRAmerican Freedom Riders
11. Issues parking lot: pulling police reports, spp.gov, Spanish language in schools, class action law suit against the Federal Government, jbs.org


1. Featured movie – “Cries From The Border” by Mercedes Maharis
2. Announcements: border visit and photos, Protect Our City, Paul Revere Rally, billboards, June Minuteman operation
3. Action Team development:

– audio visual; video and still photography
– public information & outreach; ID education opportunities; flyers; leaflets; handouts; seminars; media communications: op-eds; radio; releases; advertising; press; billboards; coordinate PR; press releases; liaisons; schedule newsmakers; public access; TV and radio spots
– internal communications: calendar; phone tree; email; newsgroups; forums; website, technical support; database; text messaging; networking; mailing lists
– legal immigrants
– 14th amendment; anchor babies; child protection; education; students outreach
– events; demonstrations; protests; marches; rallies; schedule meetings; recalls; petitions; political forums; scheduling; logistics; security; equipment; transpiration; movie showings, schedule speakers; agenda input
– government affairs; legislation; advocacy; public policy; politics; voting records; bill tracking; candidates; phone banks; walk precincts; recalls; city council; county supervisors; testify at legislative subcommittee hearings; email campaigns; congressional office visits; circulate petitions
– publications; newsletters; specialty advertising; flyers; creative; graphics
– strategic partnerships; coordinate steering team liaisons: motorcycle clubs; veteran; youth; seniors; neighborhood; blockwatch; FOP; membership and recruiting; community assets
– workplace enforcement; ICE reporting; research; documentation; legal affairs; wehireillegals.com
– fund raising; sponsorship development; ID supporters; finance; project funding
– opposition watch; combat anti-American politicians, organizations, media, articles; sedition; traitors; marches; propoganda watch
– research; archives; records; intelligence gathering; documentation
– speakers bureau; presentations


1. Roundtable introductions: NAILEM, Grassfire, Americans First, MAIA, MCDC, MMP, Protect Our City, Order of the Silver Rose, 21st Century Paul Revere Ride, AZ Border Watch, John Birch Society, Fire Coalition, SOS Borders, Ranch Rescue, Desert Visions, Legal Immigrants Against illegal Border Entry, CHD, Prop 200, Mike Harris for Governor, Numbers USA, FAIR
2. Brainstorming: border security, workplace enforcement, contacting elected officials, coalition building, next steps, resource library, mainstream media bias

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